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Located in Canada’s heart, Ontario is one of the most attractive destinations for immigrants from all across the globe. The Ontario Provincial Nominee Program is a provincial program which enjoys a partnership with the Canadian Government through IRCC. Through this program, Ontario welcomes talented individuals into their province who can contribute to the economy’s growth.

The Ontario Provincial Nominee Program operates in three basic categories: the Ontario Human Capital Stream, Ontario Employer Job Offer, and Ontario Entrepreneur Program.

The Ontario Human Capital Stream is further divided into categories such as the express entry program, French-speaking skilled worker-Express Entry Program, masters graduate stream, and Ph. D. graduate stream. The Ontario Employer Job Offer program includes subcategories such as foreign worker stream, in-demand skills, and international student with a job offer. On the other hand, the Ontario entrepreneur program is typically designed for wealthy individuals to start their businesses in Ontario, offer employment opportunities, and boost the economy.