LMIA-Based Work Permit

Home LMIA-Based Work Permit

LMIA is not available to foreign nationals, but is available to Canadian employers. A copy of the approved LMIA along with a job offer letter must be given to the Foreign Worker in order for them to apply for a work visa in Canada once a positive or neutral LMIA has been received.

Foreign workers who have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer and meet the requirements of the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process can apply for a WP in Canada.

Once the foreign worker’s work visa application is granted, the employer must notify them that a reference letter will be sent to them. Temporary workers in Canada must be authorized for employment through a document issued by ESDC.

There are several types of LMIA-based work permits

  • Temporary Foreign Worker Program
  • International Mobility Program
  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program
  • Caregiver Program
  • Global Talent Stream